Monday, April 4, 2011

April 3, 2011

Back on Standard Time (Haiti doesn’t observe Daylight Savings Time), our “Amazing Grace” Sunday began with an early Breakfast and the 7:00 A.M. French language worship in the former basketball court of Ste. Croix Episcopal Church in Leogane. For those of you who’ve been to El Hogar, it was akin to the assembly area, tin roof and open walls, amid a grove of mango and coconut trees that offered much-welcomed shade from the hot Caribbean morning sun. Some 50 yards away lay the skeletal remains of the former Sanctuary, crumbling concrete and bare steel reinforcing rods, with only the sacristy remaining intact. The singing was awesome, with some five choirs and groups each blending in melodious harmony. What a thrill for us when Amazing Grace was sung in French and we so easily joined in following in the hymnals. The Rev. Kerwin Delicat gave a tremendous homily, frequently citing a wide range of Biblical passages, quizzing the congregation, and getting responses from many that were right on target! I wouldn’t want to challenge our Haitian brothers and sisters to a bible trivia contest!

Most amazing is the incredible spirit and joyous love shared by the smiling people raising loud voices in prayer and song. Dr. Linda and I met briefly with Father Kerwin after the service ended at 10:15 A.M.- yes, over 3 hours after it began! He told us of the many needs the church and its school faced. Most parishioners suffered a near total loss of home, work and possessions from the January 2010 earthquake and now live in tents with Hurricane Season only eight weeks away; 20 lost their lives. As a result, parents cannot meet the tuition payments for their children at the Ste. Croix Episcopal School, so the teachers aren’t paid on time. Yet, Fr. Kerwin recognizes the crucial need to continue educating the students: “If I say they must pay, they will stop coming” and the staff and students continue on.

Here is revealed in living flesh the real mystery of the Christian faith, expressed so freely and beautifully in the spirit of love and joy. Here, the love of God and love from God keeps hope alive!


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